Panel Discussion Day 2:
How do we do polar science in the future?
The 5th International Polar Year (IPY) is coming up in just ten years (2032-33). The IPYs are great opportunities to do the biggest collaborative science you can ever imagine – all polar nations, and many more, are heavily involved.
This panel discussion is about how we might do science differently ten years from now – technically and philosophically.
To lead off the debate we have:

Professor Martin Ludvigsen, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU.
Martin has headed up the technology research area in the Nansen Legacy project, and has shown us the the state of the art in advanced underwater technology.

Dr. Alan Haynie, General Secretary, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
Besides helping ICES to provide sound scientific advice in support of marine resource management, Alan has a background in interdisciplinary research, economics, and integrated modeling. He is part of the Reference Group for the Nansen Legacy project.
The debate is moderated by Cecilie Mauritzen.
Please join us with questions, visions and thoughts
about how to do
business not as usual.