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Plenary Session:

The future Arctic Ocean: projections, processes, implications, and uncertainties

This plenary starts with two keynote talks that provide a more general understanding on how the future Arctic Ocean may look like. The keynotes will be followed by oral presentations on more specific topics.

Keynote talks

09:00-09:30 Keynote talk 6:
The future Arctic sea ice: Key drivers and regional variabilities
Marius Årthun (University of Bergen, Norway)

09:30-10:00 Keynote talk 7
Science for use talk
Turning science into use – where do we stand?
Marianne Kroglund (Norwegian Environment Agency, Norway)

Oral Presentations

Session Chairs: Marius Årthun, Céline Heuzé, Martí Amargant Arumí, Natalie Summers
Session Description: Read more here
10:00-10:15 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 1:
Assessing the Spread of Atlantic Water Layer Temperature and Salinity in the Arctic Ocean in CMIP6 Model Ensemble Members
Devilliers M*, Olsen SM, Yang S, Langehaug HR
10:15-10:30 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 2:
Climate-change driven terrigenous inputs decrease the efficiency of the future Arctic Ocean’s carbon storage
Oziel L*, Gürses Ö, Torres-Valdes S, Koch B, Kuldenov N, Wang Q, Rost B, Hauck J
11:00-11:15 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 3:
Present and Future Influence of Ocean Heat Transport on Winter Arctic Sea-Ice Variability
Dörr J*, Årthun M, Eldevik T, Sandø AB
11:15-11:30 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 4:
How can Functional Groups be Affected by Low and High Carbon Emissions Scenarios in the Barents Sea?

Nascimento MC*, Pedersen T, Fransner F, Primicerio R, Hordoir R, Skogen M
11:30-11:45 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 5:
Integrative Studies for Assessing Diversity, Distributions, Trophic Role and Range Shifts of Jellyfish in Tomorrow’s Arctic Ocean

Havermans C*, Dischereit A, Murray A, Pantiukhin D
11:45-12:00 Oral Presentation Future Arctic Ocean 6:
An Observing System that Serves Society’s Needs in a Future Arctic

Karcher M*, Reigstad M, Sundfjord A, Wilkinson J
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